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Peruvian Shaman Healing Circles

Peruvian Shaman (Paco)

Ruben Orellana

Sound and Vibrational Healing

For many years we have had the privilege of working with “Paco” or shaman, Rubén Orellana from Cusco Peru. We fondly refer to Ruben as our friend, teacher and spiritual collaborator.

Dr Ruben Orellana will be in Salt Lake City this February 14, 15 and 21, 22 conducting various workshops. 

Those familiar with Ruben will recognize him as our host when we travel to Peru.

Peruvian Rattles

Community Event:

February 14 and 15 as well as 21 and 22 2025:  Sound and vibrational healing as Ruben will teach us the basics of Andean healing and relationship with spiritual and vibrational healings. Ruben will sing, whistle, rattle and lead us on a shamanic journeying ritual.

Who is Dr. Ruben Orellana?

Dr. Rubén Orellana is a Peruvian born and trained shaman who has made significant anthropological and archaeological contributions to the study and understanding of the Andean way of living.  

Born in Cusco, Ruben has been following the shamanic path since the age of nine. His career as an archaeologist culminated with being named Head of Archaeology at Machu Picchu, where he discovered forty-four new sites surrounding the Crystal City, including the North Inca Trail. He has done extensive research into the mystical aspects of many significant sites and uncovered the true use of many temples in the empire.

Rubén has been interviewed in Ross Heaven’s books The Hummingbird’s Journey to God and Cactus of Mystery in which he is described as the ‘maestro’ of Wachuma (San Pedro). He feels that his role as a scientist and a Shaman is to bridge between the indigenous Ayahuasqueros and Curanderos (Shamans) and the modern world. Ruben has been holding ceremonial tours of Peru since 1976.

Rubén continues to combine his experience with his excitement for the work and his deep love for all people into a vision of subtlety and divine power.

February 7

“Wicked” Movie Night

February 15

Peruvian Shaman Healing Circles