Its about Connections and Community

Welcome to the Mindfully Gay Guys website, podcast, and events. This is an endeavor created by Jerry Buie, John Cottrell and Nick Walton.

How did we start?

Frankly, it all began with some casual discussions on the patio last summer when we collectively realized that it was time to offer something unique for gay men. A few years ago we created Queer Spirit which met with considerable success and we decided to build on that idea something that was more comprehensive.

We all had a common theme– a desire for two things: community and connections.

Beyond popular apps set up for hookups, and social media platforms, we yearned to celebrate our tribe. To celebrate what we shared and included a relationship to Body, Mind and Spirit connections. We wanted to delve into what it means to be a part of this community and create a sense of connection that is lacking in our current social settings. Our goal was to construct a space where individuals of all ages, sizes, races, and personal styles could come together as one cohesive unit within the broader community. We aimed not only for enjoyment but also for deep exploration and an increased sense of kindness, community spirit, and unity – aspects that many of us crave.

Our plans include organizing various community events such as retreats, mindful moments filled with introspection, as well as fun gatherings such as movie nights, game nights, book clubs and well…. who knows where this can go….. it all begins with an idea! We want a place where socializing is encouraged while fostering meaningful connections.

We invite you!

Join us on this experimental journey which is rooted in the belief that we are powerful beings capable of creating magic when we come together to celebrate who we are as gay men!


Teachings of the Sweat Lodge.